When Should a New Business Invest in Brand Identity?
Is Brand Identity Important to a New or Young Business?
I was discussing with a new client the importance of brand identity especially early on in their business. They basically looked at me like I was speaking another language. Their only concern was that I was create a professional looking logo with colors they liked. I then realized that most new business owners don’t fully understand the power behind brand identity.
I’ll start with a question, is brand identity important for a new or young businesses?
The answer is an astounding yes! The End.
Just kidding…
I have four reasons why brand identity is not only important for a new business, but it’s a GAME CHANGER.
- Brand identity gets attention. It’s often the first impression you get to make on your customer. As you know, you only have one chance to make a first impression! You have no idea how many times I’ve chosen one product over another strictly because it’s presentation looked more professional. I’m not the only consumer that uses the eye-test so make sure your first impression is a good one!
- Brand identity makes you memorable. Brand identity is not just your logo, it’s the colors, fonts and imagery you use. Memorable means your business is easy to find. Every time you release content containing these parts of your brand identity, you remind past clients of their experience with your business. If it was a good experience, they’re most likely to reach out to you again.
- Brand identity creates loyalty. This point builds on the previous. The more business your do with a repeat client, coupled with their consistently seeing your content, not only keeps them coming back, but they tell all their friends about you. This can lead to exponential growth. Remember, there is no marketing like word of mouth!
- Brand identity creates value. Successful brand identity influences the value of your brand in the eyes of your consumer. While you may not have the brand recognition of an Apple or Starbucks, even they started from somewhere. The more consistent you are in making your brand identity seen to the world, the higher your brand value will rise. This is a key factor in putting you head and shoulders over your competition. But beware, bad reception of your brand could have the opposite effect.
Your brand identity is an investment. Like a 401K or any other kind of investment account, you get what you put into it. The more consistently you invest, the more it will work for you! No matter how big or small your business is, your brand identity is an asset that will only continue to grow the more you feed it!
If you’re looking to create a powerful brand identity for your business, we’re offering a free imagination session to discuss how we can help bring it to life!
Free Imagination Session